Isaiah 59 1 to 2 pic

The Lord’s Hand

Do you feel close to the Lord or is it an estranged relationship? Why? The Lord is here for us when we need him. He extends his hand and listens to our woes when we are striving to walk according to the commandments and following Christ’s example. The reason why we are not heard...
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Lust to Lust: From Valentine’s Day to Carnival

  The season of lust is upon us. Today, the masses around the world are celebrating Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow, February 15, they will begin preparations to partake in Carnival. What do these festivities have in common? Both are days where people fulfill their lusts and...
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California Lawmakers Claim Bill Would “NOT” Ban Sale Of Bible!

For the past few weeks the internet has been ablaze about a proposed bill in California that would essentially ban the sale of the Holy Bible. The authors of the bill have since come forward to clarify their position and to assuage the fears of many who believed that their 1st...
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Eating Raw Chicken??? Yep It’s a Real Thing!

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Every year, Salmonella is estimated to cause one million foodborne illnesses in the United States, with 19,000 hospitalizations and 380 deaths. With that being said, it is a common fact that the easiest way to infect yourself with...
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Is Your Wife Nagging You To Death????

The Holy Bible tells us that wives were given to man as a help from God. The strength, honor and love that a wife brought to her husband was meant to provide him with rest, comfort, vitality and ultimately prolong his life in peace. But according to a study performed by the...
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New Marriage Trend. “SOLOGAMY” Women are Marrying Themselves!

The Holy Bible warns us that “In the last days perilous times shall come” and that men would be lovers of their own selves.” (2nd Tim 3:1-2) This could not be more evident than in the growing trend known as Sologamy. Sologamy is a primarily feminist movement in which a woman will...
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Black Man Gets 45yr Sentence for Killing Police Dog!

In a 2016 story that has resurfaced on social media and since gone viral, a 23yr old black man in Canton Ohio, Kelontre Barefield was sentenced to 35-45yrs in prison for the killing of a K-9 Police Dog. The Dog named Jethro attacked Barfield while he was in the commission of an...
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Videos of “Dirty Dancing” Children Becomes New Trend!

Unfortunately, there are many videos like this that are trending on social media right now where little children are dancing in a sexually suggestive manner. These children are usually encouraged by an adult to continue in this wickedness. The Heavenly Father instructs us as...
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6yr Old Pleads for End to Violence in Viral Video

In a viral video that has been viewed more than 130,000 times, a six year old boy, Jeffrey Laney pleads for an end to violence in his community. Jeffrey and his mother Leandra currently reside in St. Louis Missouri where only weeks earlier a teenage family member was killed in a...
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Little Ceasar’s Pizzeria Sued for Selling Pork to Muslim!

A muslim man currently residing in Detroit Michigan has filed a 100 million dollar lawsuit against “Little Caesars” pizzeria for misleading advertising. The suit claims that the customer in question requested “Halal” pepperoni on his pizza but was served pork on two separate...
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