So we, being many, are one body in Christ,
and every one members one of another.
Romans 12:5
The Body of Christ is a collective body of believers that are scattered from the one end of the Earth to the other and keep the commandments of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Although we are a Church, we understand that the true “Body of Christ” is not a place, but rather a righteous way of living. All those who repent in the name of Christ and endeavor to keep his commandments are already part of that body. As a church, we believe that we are commanded by Christ to teach repentance and the keeping of his commandments to the lost sheep of Israel that are scattered throughout the earth regardless of perceived skin color, country of origin or current affiliations with other churches.
It is our prayer that the lessons contained on this website will serve to instruct you in true repentance to the obtaining of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.