Isaiah 59 1 to 2 pic

The Lord’s Hand

Do you feel close to the Lord or is it an estranged relationship? Why? The Lord is here for us when we need him. He extends his hand and listens to our woes when we are striving to walk according to the commandments and following Christ’s example. The reason why we are not heard...
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Self Examination

What is Self-Examination? Self-examination is taking a close, honest look at our lives, actions, and attitudes to see if they align with God’s Commandments. These same commandments encourage us to understand the importance of maintaining a pure heart and a faithful life. In...
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Is Mother’s Day Biblical?

As followers of Christ, we need to understand the origins of various holidays and traditions that this society celebrates. Many holidays have pagan roots and disguise themselves as “Christian” holidays! Let’s examine Mother’s Day. The celebration of...
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Jesus is not the reason for the season: Prove us wrong!

As followers of Christ, we MUST go to the Bible for answers and not take traditions, customs or what pastors say at face value. During this season, many people declare, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” It’s on billboards, on the radio and you can even hear...
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Reproductive Rights

There is an attack on our progeny. Much like the days of Pharaoh, there is an edict to destroy our offspring but it is now under the guise of “reproductive rights and women’s health.” The world calls it abortion and the Most High calls it murder. The agenda of Satan is to promote...
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1 John 2:21-23 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.  (22)  Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.  (23)  Whosoever denieth...
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The Olympic Games Showcase Hard Work, Competition…and Debauchery???

The opening ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympics were held a couple of days ago in an empty stadium, but the real action is about to begin. Every four years, the International Olympics Committee (IOC) holds the Olympic Games in its selected city in order to showcase the world’s most...
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Why Do We Put Our Trust In Material Things?

Many of us, especially after a very tumultuous 2020, are very keen in making sure we maintain the things we’ve worked very hard for. For those who have struggled financially, we strive to get better paying jobs and/or to save more. For those of us who may have lost material...
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Lust to Lust: From Valentine’s Day to Carnival

  The season of lust is upon us. Today, the masses around the world are celebrating Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow, February 15, they will begin preparations to partake in Carnival. What do these festivities have in common? Both are days where people fulfill their lusts and...
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The Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day was established by the Most High and sanctified (made holy) from the beginning of the creation. The Sabbath Day is observed from the evening of the sixth day (Friday) to the evening of the seventh day (Saturday). Genesis 2:1-3  Thus the heavens and the earth were...
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